Film your Hunt

Dirk Pieters will film your Africa Hunting Safari (including Dangerous Game Hunts) and produce a professionally edited video for $250 / Day. The normal rate in South Africa is $350 / Day.

The video will include recorded sound and music interspersed where appropriate.

Dirk at WorkDirk with a Drone

Special Discount African Hunts Rates

If you sign a release allowing Discount African Hunts to use your video for marketing purposes, Discount African Hunts and Dirk Pieters Films will subsidize the rate and you will only pay $200 / Day for your video. We may use the video for our YouTube Channel or as a feature video for our Retirement Outdoors YouTube channel. By signing this release, you agree not to publish this video on any medium available to the general public. You may publish it on a private YouTube channel that can be made available to your friends and family via a link. We will assist you with setting this channel and link up.

Dirk will travel to any location within South Africa at no charge with the following exceptions

  • Eastern Cape
  • Northern Cape
  • Western Cape

For Travel to the Eastern Cape or other African Countries, the following additional expenses will be added to the filming rates:

  • Travel Expenses (Airfare, Mileage if Driving)
  • Lodging while traveling if required
  • Observer / Cameraman Rate at Hunting camp

This is a smoking deal on getting a record of your African Hunting safari that you can share with your family and friends!

To engage Dirk’s services to film your safari:


Or Call Dirk direct at +27 (82) 8261046 (also on Whatsapp)