Sold Hunting Safaris in Namibia

Elephant Hunt in Namibia

Rifle Only 1 x 1 $28,000 All-In!!

This is your chance to take an exportable trophy Bull Elephant in the desert at an affordable price with one of Namibia’s most experienced big game hunters. The hunt will take place in Northwest Namibia. This is a high success rate hunt. Due to good numbers of elephant and low quotas in Namibia, this outfitter has had a 100% success rate over the last several years. You may import all parts of this bull elephant including the ivory.

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Northern Namibia Elephant Hunt

Rifle-Black Powder Only 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide) ONLY $35,500 ALL-IN

This is your chance to take a trophy exportable Bull Elephant in the desert at a great price with one of Namibia’s most experienced big game hunters. The hunt will take place in Namibia north of the Etosha area in relatively open terrain. This is a high success rate hunt. Due to good numbers of elephant and low quotas in Namibia, this outfitter has had a 100% success rate over the last several years. You may import all parts of this bull elephant trophy including the ivory.

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Non-Exportable Elephant Hunt in Namibia

Rifle-Black Powder Only 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide) ONLY $22,000!!!

2018 ONLY
One non-exportable elephants permit in Namibia for 2017 is available. This is a 7 day all-inclusive hunt and the price is $16,000. The permit is for Northwest Namibia. Plains Game is also available once the elephant is in the salt.

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Sold Hunting Safaris in Namibia

Sold hunting safaris in Namibia are kept on this page until the hunts become available again.  Sold hunts in Namibia are archived here rather than removed because when the hunt becomes available again, it eliminates having to relist the hunt.  Plus, you may want to read the full hunt description to see if the sold hunting safari in Namibia is of interest you.  It is possible that this sold hunt in Namibia will become available in the near future.  You can inquire about the future availability of this hunt by calling us at 727-434-0840.

I suggest that you sign up for our newsletter.  That way you will be one of the first to know if we get more permits or availability for this hunt.  Many of our hunts are first sent out to our newsletter subscribers via Hunt Alerts.  If you want to be the first to know when this hunt reappears, then sign up for our newsletter and Hunt Alerts today!

Once these sold hunting safaris in Namibia are available again, the sold hunts are moved out of the sold hunts in Namibia category and put  back into the proper country and species categories.  Even though the hunt may appear as sold, it may become available again soon!  So call us today at 727-434-0840 and be sure to sign up for our newsletter.


'It was the most exciting hunt I have ever been on. We stalked a small bachelor group for a few days before I shot a mature cape buffalo with my Browning 375 H&H.'

'This was my third hunt with Discount African Hunts and each one has been fantastic.  I don't think I would book my future African hunts with anyone else.'

Joe Griner
St Petersburg, FL
August 2016


"I was hunting with my son and my batchmate from school. We had an experience of a life time and will definitely repeat the experience again. The weather was perfect. We shot Kudu / Zebra / Wildebeest / Impala / Red Hartebeest / Blesbuck / a day of bird shooting." 

"We took back  memories for a life time  and will surly recommend the experience to other hunters."

Ash Katoch
May 2017

"I booked my crocodile hunt in Mozambique through Discount African Hunts. The hunt was great and my wife and I really enjoyed the service provided by the outfitter. Everything was done very professionally and the outfitter and his group went out of their way to provide us with a wonderful experience and a great time.

If we ever go back to Africa, I am sure that we will contact Discount African Hunts to set up another hunt with this outfitter."

Steve Davis
Georgia, USA
August, 2015