Exotic Plains Game Hunting Safari in Cameroon

Hunt Plains Game in Cameroon

Rifle Only 1x1 ONLY $10,900 + Trophy Fees

This is an affordable plains game hunt for some of Cameroon's unique savanna plains game species. Hunt Bohor Reedbuck, Harnessed Bushbuck, Western Hartebeest and and Sing Sing Waterbuck along with several species of duikers. Experience Cameroon's magnificent savanna without having to budget tens of thousands of dollars. Your hunt will be conducted from a comfortable camp featuring in-suite bathrooms, fans, and air-conditioning.

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Trophy Bongo Hunt in Cameroon's Rain Forest

Bow or Rifle 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide) $38,000 + Trophy Fee

2024 / 2025
This exciting hunt for Bongo will take place in Southern Cameroon's rainforest on an area that exceeds 450,000 acres. This outfitter's concessions hold some great concentrations of spiral-horned Bongo in addition to other desired Class A species such as Dwarf Forest Buffalo and Forest Sitatunga. Access to the hunting area is by vehicle from Yaounde. The outfitter has had a success rate of 100% on Bongo over the last several years.

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Lord Derby Eland Safari in Cameroon's Northern Savanna

Rifle Only 1 x 1 $39,900 + Trophy Fee

2024 / 2025
This is your chance to hunt Lord Derby Eland with one of the best and most affordable hunting safari outfitters in Cameroon. This hunt will take place only a 4-hour drive from the airport at Ngaoundere. There are no expensive charters required on this hunt. There are high densities of both Lord Derby Eland and Roan on the 600,000 acres+ of prime Lord Derby Eland hunting concession that this hunt will occur on. The hunting method utilized will be by tracking, mainly on foot. Several additional species such as Savanna Elephant, NW Buffalo, Western Kob, and others are available on this hunting safari.

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Hunt Forest Sitatunga in Cameroon

Rifle Only 1 x 1 (1 Hunter - 1 Guide) Starting at Only $30,000!!!

2022 / 2023
This 14-day hunting safari for forest sitatunga will take place on hunting concessions in south eastern Cameroon that total over one million acres. The hunt will utilize pygmy trackers and specially trained dogs and will require lots of walking in a thick jungle environment. The Forest Sitatunga is a special trophy and you will never forget this exciting hunt with this experienced outfitter.

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Roan Hunting Safari in Cameroon

Rifle or Bow 1 x 1 Starting at $20,000

2022 / 2023
This exciting hunt for Roan Antelope will take place on a 308,000 acre concession located about an hour from the provincial capital of Garoua. Access is via the international airport in Garoua, where you will be met and transported to the hunting camp by vehicle. You will be staying in a luxurious camp and will enjoy private chalets in-suite bathrooms, generators, freezers, fans and excellent cuisine and service! No expensive charter flights are required.

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Exotic Plains Game Hunting Safaris in Cameroon

Exotic plains game hunts in Cameroon feature some of the best exotic game hunting in all of Africa.  Cameroon features a wide variety of habitats.  Most exotic plains game hunting safaris in Cameroon are either taken in the Northern Savanna region or in the southern rainforest region  The central part of Cameroon transitions between the savanna and the rain forest, is more densely populated, has unassigned hunting areas and is used mostly for self-guided hunts.

Exotic plains game hunts in Cameroon’s northern savanna region are usually directed towards animals such as the lord derby eland, western roan, western kob, giant topi and northern bohor reedbuck. The lord derby eland is the largest of the spiral horned antelopes of Africa and is a primary sought after animal that is usually the most coveted trophy of a savanna safari in northern Cameroon.  Western roan is usually on a hunter's list and other antelopes that are highly sought after are also available.  These animals include the topi, western kob, northern bohor reedbuck, and the western lewell hartebeest.  Quite a collection of game may be taken when taking  exotic plains game hunts in Cameroon’s northern savanna area.

An exotic plains game hunting safari to Cameroon's southern rain forest usually will target the beautiful bongo and may also seek out the forest sitatunga.  Both of these magnificent animals are part of Africa’s nine spiral horned antelopes and are required to complete the African Spiral Horned Antelope Slam.  The bongo is certainly one of the most beautiful animals in the world, and with its distinctive orange coat and white stripes, makes a stunning addition to any hunter’s trophy room.  Bongo in Cameroon are normally hunted using pygmy trackers and may also include the use of dogs to keep the bongo busy in the heavy cover while the hunter attempts to get close enough for a shot.  Sitatungas are animals of the swamps and have a preference for being near water.  Many times they will be hunted from elevated platforms overlooking open areas in the swamps that sitatunga seem to favor.  Taking an exotic plains game hunt in Cameroon can be the hunt of one’s lifetime and will produce trophies that a hunter can appreciate forever.


"First, I wanted to tell you the buffalo hunt with the outfitter you booked me with was great! The PH took me to a farm where there was a good herd of buffalo and I shot a 40” old dagga boy. I could have taken another one a bit wider, 42”, with hard bosses but he did not have that old rough beat-up look I was after."

Mike Davis

May, 2023



"I would Highly recommend my PH and Discount African Hunts. John got me a great deal with a top of the line outfitter. They both went out of their way to make sure my hunt and everything else about it was great."

Gary Popadich
September, 2015



"In August 2014 I took a lioness hunt with Discount African Hunts in the Northwest Province of South Africa. The PH's worked hard to customize the hunt for me as I wanted a challenging stalk ending with taking the lioness at close range by an open sighted double rifle. They exceeded my expectations as 12 miles of tracking ended with me shooting the highly agitated lioness at a distance of 25 yards with a couple of rounds of 450 NE".

"I highly recommend a lioness hunt with Discount African Hunts."

September, 2014