Dangerous Game Hunting Safaris in South Africa

Cape Buffalo Cow Hunting Safari

Rifle Only 1 x 1 Only $3,500 All-In!!

2025 / 2026
This is a 5-day discounted Cape buffalo cow hunt that will occur on an 8,000-acre private concession in South Africa's Northwest Province near the town of Rustenburg. You will stay at a 3.5-star lodge with all of the comfort and convenience that South Africa is famous for! This dangerous game hunt will be in thick bushveld and will be exciting, as the cows are usually in herds and are very wary.

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Hunt Hippo in South Africa

Rifle Only 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide ) ONLY $10,900 /HUNTER !!!

2025 / 2026
This is an exportable hippo hunt. The hunt will take place in the Northwest Province of South Africa on a 10,000-acre government reserve. This hippo trophy may be exported and is eligible for a CITES Export Permit. You will drive and then get out and stalk your hippo. Shots may be offered either in the water or on dry land.

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Discounted Crocodile and Hippo Hunt in South Africa

RIFLE ONLY - 1 x 1 (One Hunter / One PH ) Only $12,000 ALL IN!!!

2021 / 2022
This is a great deal on a highly discounted trophy crocodile and bull hippo in South Africa's Limpopo Province. You will be hunting a good sized lake that is backed up by a dam and has lots of crocodiles and several bull hippos. This is a great chance to take two of Africa's dangerous game aquatics at approximately half price! Plains game is available also.

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Darted Green Rhino Hunt in South Africa

Dart Gun ONLY! 1 x 1 $7,500

2025 / 2026
This is a darted green rhinoceros hunt in South Africa's Northwest Province. Hunt a 20,000-acre concession where multiple White Rhino bulls roam freely. You will be getting up close to these dangerous animals, as most darted shots occur at less than 30 yards. This is the modern way to get your rhino for your Big 5, and is offered at a great price!

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Hunt Elephant in South Africa

This hunt has been sold! Call 727-434-0840 for elephant availability

This hunt has been sold!
This is an elephant hunt for a 30# trophy bull elephant in one of the best hunting reserves in South Africa. This reserve shares an unfenced common border with a national park and elephant are allowed to wander freely. Very little hunting is allowed in this area. and the animals see very little hunting pressure. The ivory from this hunt is exportable under CITIES!

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Hunt Cape Buffalo in South Africa

Rifle-Black Powder-Bow 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide) ONLY $8,500!!!

2023 / 2024
This is one of my good values on a trophy-sized Cape buffalo hunt in South Africa. With a concession size of over 45,000 acres, the buffalo here are wild. They live in some rugged territory and you will have to hunt to get a big one. This is not your run-of-the-mill South Africa Cape Buffalo hunt. These buffalo are wild and dangerous! You will stay in a 4-star lodge and eat great food while hunting your trophy buffalo bull. With free rifle rental and $80/day observer rates, it just doesn't get much better than this.

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Cape Buffalo Hunt in South Africa

Rifle-Black Powder-Bow 1 x 1 Only $9,800 per HUNTER!!!

This is the ideal discounted Cape Buffalo hunt for the hunter that wants to experience the thrill of hunting one of Africa’s big 5 animals at an affordable price. The size of the old bulls that you can expect to take on this Cape Buffalo hunting safari is up to 38". This hunt will take place on a 10,000 acre high fenced concession in Kwazulu-Natal. There is a large herd of buffalo that have lived in this concession for many years. They are not a disease free herd, and therefore have never been darted or examined by veterinarians. There are no cattle on this concession! This is a great discounted buffalo hunt in South Africa! These buffalo are roaming on a 15 sq. mile area!

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Dangerous Game Hunts in South Africa

Dangerous game hunts in South Africa feature all seven dangerous game animals.  South Africa has the most developed hunting industry in all of Africa and is the primary destination for the majority of US hunters traveling to Africa each year.  Much of the dangerous game and other hunting is done within high fence enclosures.  This is because of the private ownership concept of game.  If a high fence surrounds the perimeter, then the landowner owns the game and except for certain regulated species, the landowner can manage the game as they see fit.  This has given rise to a large game ranching industry and has contributed to the astonishing growth in South Africa’s wild game populations.  Many ranches have converted over from sheep and cattle ranches to game ranching.

South Africa has an incredible variety of terrains for dangerous game hunting.  From tracking lions in the sands of the Kalahari Desert, to glassing the vast grasslands of the Karoo, to peeking over rolling sea-side dunes of the Eastern Cape, dangerous game hunts in South Africa offer the most varied  habitat to take a dangerous game hunting safari on the continent.

A large portion of the lion hunting is done in the Kalahari Desert, where the soft sands facilitate the tracking of lions on foot.  South Africa offers the most affordable lion hunting on the continent.  Much of the elephant hunting is done in areas fronting the Botswana border and on concessions that abut or are near Kruger National Park.  Limited availability of permits keeps South African elephant hunting priced rather high when compared to neighboring Zimbabwe.

The CITES convention currently only allocates 150 exportable leopard permits to South Africa.  This keeps prices rather high, although South Africa features a good population of large leopards.  South Africa features the continent’s largest population of rhinos and is a primary destination for those looking to complete their big 5 dangerous game animals.  And a discussion of dangerous game hunts in South Africa would not be complete without talking about Cape buffalo.  Cape buffalo are hunted in many locations country wide.  To the east of Kruger National Park, a vertical boundary exists called the red line.  To the east of this line, the buffalo herd carries bovine diseases, such as hoof and mouth.  To the west, South Africa maintains a disease free herd.  Maintaining this disease free herd causes buffalo prices to be higher than in many African countries.  South Africa has developed a sizeable buffalo breeding operation, aimed at producing trophy horn sizes.  Dangerous game hunts in South Africa offer something for all dangerous game hunters, no matter what the targeted species may be.  South Africa continues to be one of the best destinations to take  dangerous game hunts in all of Africa.


"In August 2014 I took a lioness hunt with Discount African Hunts in the Northwest Province of South Africa. The PH's worked hard to customize the hunt for me as I wanted a challenging stalk ending with taking the lioness at close range by an open sighted double rifle. They exceeded my expectations as 12 miles of tracking ended with me shooting the highly agitated lioness at a distance of 25 yards with a couple of rounds of 450 NE".

"I highly recommend a lioness hunt with Discount African Hunts."

September, 2014

"I spent weeks visiting websites for outfitters in Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, comparing pre-made packages and regular fees. In the end, for a 7-day, six animal hunt with my son as an observer/hunter, John Martins had the best price."

Andrew and Garet
Georgia, USA
October, 2014

"I recommend you booking a dream hunt in Africa with John Martins. It's first class it's professional and what John says will happen, it will happen!"

Drew McIntosh
Gaffney, SC
August 2014